Es war noch nie so einfach!
Was können Sie mit der Flat-Plan-Software erreichen?
Es handelt sich um das wirkungsvollste Online-Seitenplan-Tool, das Sie erhalten können. Es ist hervorragend geeignet für Veröffentlichungen, vor allem von Magazinen, ist aber auch hilfreich für die Layoutplanung kleinerer Bücher und Papiere mit weniger als 1000 Seiten. Mit Flat-Plan erstellen Sie einen Seitenplan, der unmittelbar Ihren Seitenaufriss wiedergibt (Artikel, Anzeigen, Überschriften, Seitennummern.). Wenn Sie im Handumdrehen Seiten neu beziffern wollen und genug von umständlich handzuhabenden Dateiformaten haben, dann haben Sie die Lösung gefunden! Flat-Plan erstellt in kürzester Zeit Ihren Seitenplan und erleichtert Ihnen wirksam die Arbeit!
Warum ist es einfacher, einen Seitenplan mit Flat-Plan zu erstellen?
Bereits auf den ersten Blick werden Sie feststellen, dass Flat-Plan in Sachen Anwenderfreundlichkeit den Ton angibt. Schon bei Ihrem ersten Versuch werden Sie innerhalb kürzester Zeit einen Seitenplan erstellen können. Sie werden wertvolle Arbeitszeit einsparen und müssen sich nicht mit umständlich zu handhabenden Dateiformaten herumärgern. Flat-Plan wird automatisch die Seiten Ihres Seitenplans neu beziffern und neu ordnen. Wenn Sie für ein Magazin layouten wollen, dann kommen Sie nicht ohne dieses wertvolle Tool aus. Die Produkte unserer Mitbewerber sind teurer und komplizierter, und sie bieten keine herunterladbare Version!
Benutzerinterface in fünf Sprachen
Dies ist die einzige Software zur Erstellung von Seitenplänen, die in nicht weniger als fünf Sprachen (Englisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch) erhältlich ist *. Verpassen Sie diese Gelegenheit nicht!
*Bitte beachten Sie, dass unsere technische Hilfe nur in Englisch verfügbar ist.

We have been using Flat-Plan since the start of our magazine, almost ten years ago, for planning and during the production of an issue. The constant updating of pages by uploading images, the ability to add, move or delete pages, as well as color coding, text layout and, of course, the coding of ad pages in various formats covers almost all of our needs. Particularly important is the option to share the view of an issue with editors and proofreaders so that they can always follow the current production status.
FlatPlan is invaluable in enabling us to visualise our magazine, throughout the entire creation process. It becomes even more valuable just before deadline, as we can easily shift pages around and use colour coding to see what’s complete and what’s missing.
I am a Flat-Plan User for many, many years. I use it for several magazines. Customers include Rimowa, adidas, Audi, RedBull or Astra which is a german beerbrand. The magazinecovers I have attached are GolfPunk Germany, BLONDE magazine Germany and NYLON magazine Germany. My experience is very good. The functionality is great, easy to understand and to use. I also like the sharing service for other teammembers, so everybody can look what the status is without asking me. Best to use is the possibility to add images. We always put pdf of the pages in, so we can see the progress of the magazines and how the pages fit to each other. If I have any questions the team answers very quickly and is always willing to help.
Hi. I think everything is perfect!! Here are the magazines I use Flat Plan for.
Discovering Flat-Plan has completely revolutionized the way The List creates our magazines. For 35+ years, we used to have to rely on a trusty pencil and eraser (and many, many changes) to create our page plans and this would, naturally, often lead to mistakes. Flat-Plan is so easy to use and creates flawless page plans for us now. You can work on several page plans at one time and it’s really affordable.
We have been using Flat Plan now for almost 1 year and we really appreciate. We do not plug the final pages as images in, but we use it as a collaborative guideline for the topics and the follow of the stages of advancement of the work being done on each page. We also use the ads functionality.
I am a Flat-Plan User for many, many years. I use it for several magazines. Customers include Rimowa, adidas, Audi, RedBull or Astra which is a german beerbrand. The magazinecovers I have attached are GolfPunk Germany, BLONDE magazine Germany and NYLON magazine Germany. My experience is very good. The functionality is great, easy to understand and to use. I also like the sharing service for other teammembers, so everybody can look what the status is without asking me. Best to use is the possibility to add images. We always put pdf of the pages in, so we can see the progress of the magazines and how the pages fit to each other. If I have any questions the team answers very quickly and is always willing to help.
We have found your tool very useful in the planning phase and implementation phase of the magazine. Being able to colour-code pages both in terms of type and progress is very good. Multi-page selection with the ability to set the title and contents across multiple pages is good. Multi-page drag-and-drop allows easy reordering of pages. Being able to assign pages as ads is good. Being able to see the charts is helpful and gives a snapshot of the status.
When I took over the editorship of our campus/alum magazine, we were using a complicated Word doc to draw squares for a page grid. Flat-Plan was a revelation for me. The ability to clone the magazine each issue to have a template, color code the departments, quickly move things around, add and delete pages, etc., to give my designer an excellent and accurate visual has saved hours of time and stress. Plus, it’s fun!
I really loved using your software and I always recommend it to all my clients.
I am a Flat-Plan User for many, many years. I use it for several magazines. Customers include Rimowa, adidas, Audi, RedBull or Astra which is a german beerbrand. The magazinecovers I have attached are GolfPunk Germany, BLONDE magazine Germany and NYLON magazine Germany. My experience is very good. The functionality is great, easy to understand and to use. I also like the sharing service for other teammembers, so everybody can look what the status is without asking me. Best to use is the possibility to add images. We always put pdf of the pages in, so we can see the progress of the magazines and how the pages fit to each other. If I have any questions the team answers very quickly and is always willing to help.
Flat-plan is a tool that we use to planify our bimestral magazine. It’s very useful to organize our work flow in the editorial and advertising departments.
For Cuisine magazine, Flat-Plan has been a godsend. I have been using it for a few years now, but it is lately while our country has been in a massive lockdown (we are New Zealand-based) that it’s been even more valuable. We are a small team working remotely, so being able to share updates on production, advert placement, pagination etc across the team all in one place is really easy and very helpful.
Flat Plan allows our team to plan each issue of VIPY magazine in advance, and change pages, ads and stories around as needed until we have a final page layout. Our team members are located all around the world, so Flat Plan works collaboratively and allows us to see issues planned from any geographic location. Flat Plan is a key part of our print production.
Flat-plan.com provides an affordable alternative to some of the other programes currently available.
I was really impressed with the ease of use of flat-plan. I edit a monthly magazine which normally includes a complicated directory in the middle which can be fiddly and time-consuming to move around content and ads. With flat-plan this is done in seconds.
Flat-Plan is indispensable for our magazine, offering essential features like remote teamwork capabilities, real-time status updates, and seamless control over our publication process. As intensive users, we rely on its ability to readjust quickly, making it a must-have tool in our arsenal.
We use the service to plan and organize the content of our magazine, and to keep track of the status of every article and every ad. Flat-Plan is easy to use and powerful, a tool that helps us save time and collaborate much, much better. Our business, organized, in an instant. That’s Flat-Plan.
I am a freelance art director, so when I needed a flatplan for this project a colleague recommended Flat-Plan. I found it to be intuitive and help was offered at every step.
Our magazine, Luzes, is a 100-page monthly publication, in which graphic design and literary content are very important. Our collaborators are in very diverse places, and for this reason it is necessary to have a good control of the reception and process of contents until the printing. Of all the planning software we have tested, Flat-Plan is the one that has given us the best result, due to its adaptability and simplicity.
We use Flat plan since may years. At the early beginning, it was just for one magazine and one user. Now we edit 3 magazines per month and all the extras. Flat plan is a useful, simple and quite cheap solution to interact with many users, and to success on the publications production process.
Your Flat-Plan is a very handy, easy-to-use tool. We can’t imagine how we could plan our magazine without it.
The Flat-Plan product has taken the hassle out of flatplanning, turning what used to be an onerous chore into a pleasurable task. Also the support from the team is excellent, swiftly getting back to me with any queries I’ve had.
Flat-Plan helps with the organization and production of each of our issues. It’s a great tool that provides a clear understanding of the editorial and ad divisions of each issue. One thing I would like to see improved is the size at which you view it on screen and the size at which you print it out. Other than that we enjoy using the product each month. (2012)
Great tool which I already used for another publication. Loved to come back and the variety for ads is even bigger than before.
Thank a lot for your service. It’s really useful, easy and clear for users.
I have used many publishing layout programs but find Flat-Plan the most simple to use and effective. There are nominated areas on each page to specify the editorial section, subsections and advertisements. Pages are easily moved, swapped, inserted and deleted. Color coding sections is also beneficial, as is the automated percentage content calculator and number of advertisements featured. Best of all, it is affordable. Well done. I am a fan.
Kein Magazinlimit. Keine Seitenbeschränkung.